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TAL Enhances Digital Capabilities to Speed Up Claim Processing

TAL Enhances Digital Capabilities to Speed Up Claim Processing

A prominent player in the Australian life insurance industry, TAL, has set new benchmarks by disbursing more than $4 billion in claims benefits over the past fiscal year ending on March 31.
This landmark is particularly highlighted by the fact that half of these claims were lodged through the TAL Connect platform and were processed within a mere 24 hours.

In this span, over 50,000 Australians and their families received the much-needed financial support, with an astounding 70% of the claims assisting individuals grappling with injuries or illnesses. This expedient delivery of services underscores TAL's commitment to facilitating not just claims but also recovery and health support.

Georgina Croft, TAL's Chief Claims Officer, emphasized the insurer’s holistic approach towards customer needs, which not only aims at claims disbursement but also at providing extensive support during clients' recovery phase. According to Croft, personalized customer service remains pivotal in TAL's operational model.

In reference to TAL’s recent strides, Croft pointed towards the significant role play by employee training and upskilling efforts, alongside formidable investments in their technological and operational frameworks, as the core drivers of their enhanced customer service in the past year.

"Ensuring that our claims consultants are equipped with the optimal tools and training is fundamental in delivering consistent and reliable support for our customers when they need us the most," Croft explained.

TAL's commitment is reflected in its extensive training efforts, which saw its claims team dedicated over 22,000 hours spread across 277 training programs facilitated by TAL Claims Academy. These include modules on Person-Centred Claims Management, designed to imbue employees with skills essential for supporting clients effectively.

Moreover, Croft highlighted the necessity and transformative impact of digitizing parts of the claims process. She identified this initiative as pivotal in delivering a seamless and expedient claims experience, benefiting not only individual customers but also their superannuation fund partners and members.

By continuously improving its digital interface—TAL Connect—the insurer provides users with greater control and transparency, enabling more streamlined interaction with their insurance and claims information. Croft mentioned, "In the past 12 months, we've observed a significant uptake in digital claims submissions, with 50% being lodged via the TAL Connect platform and processed within just 24 hours, underscoring the efficiency brought by digitization."

The insights shared here reflect the fundamental transformations that have revolutionized the insurance claims process in recent years, underscored by TAL's groundbreaking developments and commitment to continuous improvement. These strides not only signify advances in company operations but also the evolving landscape of the insurance sector at large.

Published:Monday, 20th May 2024
Source: Paige Estritori

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