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NSW Braces for Continued Flooding Amid Unstable Weather

NSW Braces for Continued Flooding Amid Unstable Weather

The state of New South Wales (NSW) is grappling with significant flooding threats in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River region as meteorological conditions remain volatile, according to the Bureau of Meteorology's latest updates.

In a recent social media post, the bureau announced, "Due to the potential for major flooding in North Richmond, we have elevated the Hawkesbury-Nepean flood warning." The message highlights an impending risk that necessitates urgent attention.

The bureau's sixth flood warning indicates the region saw moderate rainfall amounts of up to 160mm within the past 24 hours, ending at 9 am today.

"Moderate flooding is already taking place along the Upper Nepean River," the notice stated, releasing this information at about 2 pm. "Additional rainfall is expected on Friday, but a gradual decrease is likely later in the day. Major flooding could transpire along the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean River sectors."

The Insurance Council of Australia is keeping a close eye on the evolving situation, given the recent intense rainfall. "Our members are on standby to assist affected customers and manage claims as required," a spokesperson commented. "Even if you are unsure of the full extent of the damage, it is advisable to reach out to your insurer to initiate the claims process."

At this point, the full ramifications of this wet weather event are undetermined, but more clarity is expected in the days ahead, the spokesperson added.

On a somewhat positive note, the Bureau of Meteorology has lifted its severe weather warning for communities in the Illawarra and South Coast districts.

The lifting notice, issued around 3 pm, explained, "Heavy rainfall has reduced in the Illawarra and South Coast, though showers persist." The surface trough responsible for last night's heavy rainfall has weakened, moving south yet still causing moderate rainfall in parts of southeastern NSW and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) through the remainder of Friday.

Reflecting on the week's weather patterns, senior meteorologist Angus Hines noted in a video update that while rain is diminishing in NSW, the Hawkesbury region is not yet out of danger. "Moderate flooding is predicted through Friday and possibly into Saturday morning before river levels decline, given the lack of further forecasted rainfall," he remarked.

The NSW State Emergency Service has been highly active, responding to 447 incidents and performing 49 flood rescues since midnight. The heavy downpours have resulted in flash flooding across the South Coast, Illawarra, and Sydney metropolitan zones.

Acting assistant commissioner Dallas Burnes praised the efforts of the flood rescue teams, stating, "Our teams have been working under extremely tough conditions across the southeast of the state through the night. Our volunteers will continue to respond until the situation stabilizes."

Published:Saturday, 8th Jun 2024
Source: Paige Estritori

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