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Life Insurers Aim for Harmony with Financial Advisers

Life Insurers Aim for Harmony with Financial Advisers

The Council of Australian Life Insurers (CALI) has reaffirmed that their primary focus is not to compete with financial advisers but to enhance the existing services in the life insurance sector.

Christine Cupitt, the Chief Executive of CALI, asserted during a Senate Economics Legislation Committee hearing that the distinction between life insurers' advice and financial advisers’ roles will be maintained and clarified.

"Our goal is to supplement the crucial and invaluable work done by financial advisers rather than obstruct it," Cupitt shared with the committee.

She elaborated on CALI's collaboration with the Federal Government, emphasizing the need for legislative frameworks that would permit life insurers to dispense straightforward product-specific advice to customers upon request.

"Naturally, this should be governed by stringent constraints and robust consumer protections," Cupitt added.

Cupitt stressed the importance of not diverting potential customers who call their service centers with basic questions, pointing out that delivering simple and direct answers is an essential element of customer service.

"For clients presenting more complex needs, life insurers will continue to refer them to financial planners capable of offering comprehensive advice, including product comparisons across the market," Cupitt said.

Christine Cupitt’s statements, as reported by Financial Standard, clarify that while the CALI seeks to provide fundamental, product-specific guidance to customers, they have no intentions of encroaching on the advisory space traditionally held by financial advisers.

Published:Saturday, 15th Jun 2024
Source: Paige Estritori

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